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Prof. Raul SANTANA NUNEZ, Director of the Academy in the Republic of Chile


Professor Raul SANTANA NUNEZ is the Director of the Academy of Chile, the fourteenth Member-State of the Alliance. His responsibility is to oversee the implementation of the national Strategic Development Plan of Chile and to develop, coordinate and co-manage with Dr Raul Gonzalez ORB and the Ministry of Sports the NCE and each ESLs.

Professor SANTANA has been the Focal Point of the Alliance since April 2008 and as such has obtained the adhesion of Chile by the signature of the Secretary of Chiledeportes, Mr. Jaime Pizarro Herrera. He has since been very active in the development of public-private partnerships in the sustainable energy sectors.


Professor SANTANA graduated from the University of Chile with the double title of Professor of Physical Education and Professor of Biology and Science. In Germany he obtained a degree in Sports Administration. He is a graduate and specialist in Human Nutrition and Educational Computing.


He taught for several decades in the Department of Physical Education at the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences as a Professor of Bioenergetics, Exercise Physiology and Sports Nutrition, while serving in various capacities, including Academic Director and Member of the Executive Committee of the Higher Education Quality Improvement Project.


Manager and postgraduate teacher, he created and directed the master's and doctorate in the Science of Human Motricity at the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences. He promoted the degree in ecotourism and the degree in physical activity sciences. He accompanied the preparation of 49 student reports at the end of their studies. As an author, he has published numerous articles, reports, book chapters and co-authored books.


Professor SANTANA also taught at the National Institute of Football, Sports and Physical Activity where he was in charge of the Functional Evaluation Laboratory of Sport, preparation of seminars and teaching. He has participated as a delegate, lecturer and coordinator in numerous courses, seminars, congresses, scientific conferences both nationally and abroad.

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