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Pr Assane FALL
Director of the Academy of Senegal 

Professeur Assane FALL  Senegal

Pr FALL is one of the experts that participated to the Rabat seminar prior the creation of the Alliance. He organized the Dakar official mission, was key in the adhesion of the Senegal to join the Alliance and then led ministerial negotiations on several public-private partnerships. He created the Senegalese Center of Excellence of the Alliance for which he committed himself since 2007 in a meritorious way. As part of the restructuring, he accepted the management of the National Center of Excellence of the Alliance in Senegal.


Pr. FALL graduated as a physical education teacher in France. Then he obtained his doctorate in physical education, physiology option at the University of Liège in Belgium. He was a teacher of education in Saint-Louis and Dakar. He taught physiology in several institutions and then contributed to research teams in this discipline. He is the author of ten scientific articles and book chapters.


Pr FALL became a lecturer at Anta Diop University where he was a member of the doctoral school and coordinated the management of LMD training. He was Director of Studies and then Director of the National Higher Institute for Popular Education and Sport in Dakar. He has contributed to numerous seminars of CONFEJES, the International Olympic Committee and numerous national and international scientific congresses. He specializes in fencing and athletics.

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