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Pr Houndjovi Pierre DANSOU
Director of the Academy of Benin

Pr Houndjovi Pierre DANSOU

Pr DANSOU is one of the experts that participated to the Rabat seminar prior the creation of the World Sports Alliance. He obtained the adhesion of Benin, led the ministerial negotiations on several public-private partnerships and created the first National Center of the Alliance for which he made a commendable commitment in 2007. Pr DANSOU now takes over the management of the Academy in Benin.


After a certificate of aptitude to teach physical education, then a doctorate in physiology of effort at the University of Grenoble, he became a lecturer and then a university professor. He is a trainer of athletics and all the most practiced team sports.


Pr DANSOU has supervised a dozen theses, developed scientific work and published on the physiology of efforts in the African context. He has published over seventy articles and numerous book chapters, has chaired many scientific committees or networks, organizations and associations. Pr DANSOU is a Knight of the National Order of Benin.

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